Resources for Artists Experiencing Hardship Due to COVI9-19 (Updated Regularly)
If you are an artist experiencing economic hardship related to the COVID-19 pandemic and would like complimentary feedback on a cover letter or other application text, email Justina at
The Artists’ Fellowship (Added 3/21/20)
Who it’s for:
Professional visual artists and their families in times of sickness, natural disaster, bereavement or unexpected extreme hardship.
What it is:
The Artists' Fellowship, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 charitable foundation that financially assists professional visual artists and their families in times of emergency, disability or bereavement. The Artists' Fellowship's Board of Trustees and Officers serve as volunteers in service to our community of artists. Assistance is given without expectation of repayment.
How to apply:
Complete the online application or print and mail the PDF application with supporting documents.
Anywhere in the United States
June 2020 (The panel reviews applications from September to June every year.)
Link to more information:
The Haven Foundation (Added 3/21/20)
Who it’s for:
United States residents connected with the artistic or entertainment industries including, but not limited to authors, actors, singers, dancers, directors, producers, choreographers, musicians, artists and screenwriters selling work or services by the hour, day, job, etc. rather than working on a regular salary basis for one employer. Forty percent of their annual income over the past three years should be from their personal production, performance or other work in the industry. The qualified person must have experienced a recent, unforeseen emergency or triggering event that has significantly and adversely affected the qualified person’s ability to produce, perform and/or market his/her work and, thus, creates the need for immediate relief funds and/or assistance.
What it is:
Created by Stephen King, the mission of The Haven Foundation is to offer interim financial assistance to freelance professionals in the arts who face crises. The Foundation’s reach is the United States, and its awards are granted with a view to helping individuals overcome temporary adversity and return to full-time work.
How to apply:
Applicants must fill out and mail the application form with all requested information, which includes your resume, supporting documents, documentation of your work, IRS 1040 forms from the last three years.
Anywhere in the United States
July 17, 2020
Link to more information:
Rauschenberg COVID-19 Relief Fund Emergency Grants (Added 3/21/20)
Who it’s for:
Visual and media artists and choreographers who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents in the United States, District of Columbia, or U.S. Territories. If you aren’t sure if your artistic discipline fits within these guidelines, please contact the grants administrator.
What it is:
The fund provides one-time cash grants of up to $5,000 to cover expenses caused by one-time, unexpected medical emergencies. Eligible expenses include, but are not limited to: hospital and doctor bills (including insurance co-pays), tests, physical/occupational therapy, prescription drugs specifically for the emergency medical condition, and emergency dental work.
How to apply:
Complete the online application form which includes short answer questions.
Anywhere in the United States
December 31, 2020 (The panel will begin reviewing applications on a monthly basis beginning late May - early June 2020.)
Link to more information:
Foundation for Contemporary Arts COVID-19 Relief Fund
Who it’s for:
Artists who have been impacted by the economic fallout from postponed or canceled performances and exhibitions. Priority given to artists make work of a contemporary, experimental nature.
What it is:
The Foundation will disburse $1,000 grants to artists who have had performances or exhibitions canceled or postponed because of the COVID-19 virus.
How to apply:
Complete the application form which requires you to describe your project that was canceled or postponed.
December 8, 2020
Anywhere in the United States
Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant
Who it’s for:
Career, visual artists who are experiencing economic hardship. Artists must be painters, sculptors, printmakers and artists who work on paper.
What it is:
Pollock-Krasner grants have enabled artists to create new work, purchase needed materials and pay for studio rent, as well as their personal and medical expenses. The Pollock-Krasner Foundation's dual criteria for grants are recognizable artistic merit and financial need. The Foundation's mission is to aid individuals who have worked as professional artists over a significant period of time.
How to apply:
Complete the application form. Include a cover letter, current resume, 10 images of your artwork, and an image list.
Anywhere in the United States
Link to more information:
CERF+ Emergency Assistance
Who it’s for:
Artists who have been infected by the COVID-19 virus and require intensive medical care. CERF+ offers grants to artists who have experienced a recent, career threatening emergency, such as an illness, accident, fire or natural disaster.
What it is:
CERF+ emergency assistance includes grants and/or brokered assistance, such as booth fee waivers and discounts or donations on supplies and equipment.
How to apply:
Fill out the Emergency Assistance Inquiry form to find out if you’re eligible.
Anywhere in the United States
Link to more information: